Below is a list of FAQs that are often asked when booking Wyndham Hall
Is there parking at Wyndham Hall?
Wyndham Hall does not have its own car park, but there are a number of spaces often available outside; we are also within walking distance of Chuch Street Car Park and Amesbury Central Car Park.
Do you have tables and chairs?
Yes, we have 100 chairs and dozens of tables available. We have twenty-five 6ft X 2ft tables and seven 3ft square tables. We also have several small half-size tables for small children and a selection of children's chairs.
Can we bring our own food?
You must inform us if you are planning on using an outside caterer,
Users can bring their homemade food.
We may charge extra if you use outside catering companies.
Outside caterers must have a sign displaying who has supplied the buffet and provide and display an allergen list.
Can we bring our own Alcohol?
No. If you are planning on having a party at Wyndham Hall, you must not supply your own alcohol. We reserve the right to confiscate any alcohol within the premises.
Can we bring a bouncy Castle
Yes, we recomend bouncy castles less that 9ft tall. You can find a list of supplies on our recomended page.
Can we add more time to our booking after we've paid the deposit?
Yes, although this will come with a fee determind by our hourly rate.
Do we get use of the kitchen?
If you have booked our Main Hall you get use of the kitchen. The kitchen is fitted with a fridge-freezer and range ovens. and equipped with a large number of plates, cutlery and mugs.
How big is your main hall?
The main hall is 21m x 7m and can fit up to 150 people.
Is there a garden?
There is a small, walled garden at the back of the hall which you can use. Children should be supervised at all times when in the garden.
If your question is not answered here, please feel free to contact us via enquiries@wyndhamhall.co.uk